What is FiT?
Found in Translation is an intercultural encounter project that promotes empathy in society through the exchange and translation of stories into literary texts , that means that FiT seeks to translate experiences and emotions from texts into artistic forms of expression. Artistic translation is a bridge that connects us to others and invites us to feel, understand and empathize.
The Project
The project will be developed in 3 phases:
The phase of literary creation and artistic approach in which you can take part in a writing workshop to transform your own migration experiences into a written text. Your text will then be sent to an artist (regardless of discipline) or creative person and will serve as inspiration for the development of a work of art (the writing workshops will be held in 3 languages: German, English and Spanish).
The phase of interpersonal encounter and artistic inspiration, where you can meet the artist (creative person) working on your text and tell him / her your story, but also he / she could listen to your ideas, concerns and suggestions for the interpretation of your story so it can be the most accurate possible. If necessary, you will be assisted by a translator.
The Linking and "Finding Us In Translation" phase: where literary and artistic works are shared with a wider audience, in an event that offers the opportunity to experience greater openness and empathy between participants and visitors.
The promotion of empathy in society as the most important value for acceptance, integration and social development.
Recognize and document the migratory experiences and feelings through a collaborative and interdisciplinary work mediated through various artistic manifestations.
Create a connection point between different people that transcends cultural, social and linguistic boundaries.
FiT 2023: the second edition
Found in Translation 2023 was a collaboration between the Hirzenbach community center, the Coffee & Deeds and the association ETKultur.
This year we had 18 participants who were selected through an open call for entries. 9 people who wrote down their migratory experiences and 9 artists who translated them into art.
In this issue we have also highlighted the importance of collaboration between the artists and the tandems.
Found in Translation 2023: the participants
Roberto Fabra x Ahmed Abu Ata
Hector Suarez Usandivaras x Alessandra Cesari
Sarah Lebeck-Jobe x Brunhilde Hofacker
Susanne Hauser Lendenmann x Merin Reji Chacko
Virginia Kargachin x Parvez
Maria Fernanda Schulz x Rosa Navarro
Alexander Zwalen x Chinnie Si-Qin Ding
Kathryn E. Bard x Shukri Al Rayyan
David Farrera Salcido x Ana Luiza Pinheiro
FiT 2022: the first edition
The exhibition "Found in Translation: Translating migratory experiences into Art" was presented from April 29th to June 19th 2022 at Helmhaus Zurich. The vernissage was on April 28th.
22 persons took part in this project: 11 storytellers and 11 artists worked in tandems. The result of these encounters was part of the exhibition. In addition FiT offered a supporting program that focused on reflecting on prejudices, migration experiences and empathy.
The program consisted of:
Tandems talks
2 Performances by Alicia Velazquez and Clarissa Hurst from the FiT pilot.
4 performances by students of the F+F school for art and design. A cooperation for FiT.
An evening of poetry reading in Spanish by the Ibersas group.
Found in Translation 2022: the participants
Jalashree Shrickhande x Moreno Tuttobene
Cristina Salcido x Ana Figuerola
Walid Jalal Khalifa Kareem x Nana Pernod
Alejandra Serantes x Giampaolo Russo
Olga Veprek x Maurizio Igor Meta
Miguel Soto x Sandra Hofacker
Kahtere Heidari x Theres Berka
Cathleen Bell x Isabella Bieri
Milován España x Eleonora Stassi
Haidar Zreka x Hanga Sera
Irfan Yildiz x Lukas Salzmann