Found in Translation: First Edition
The exhibition Found in Translation: Translating Migratory Experiences into Art was displayed at Helmhaus Zurich from April 29 to June 19, 2022, with its vernissage held on April 28. The exhibition showcased the creative results of encounters between storytellers and artists, reflecting their collaborative interpretations of migratory experiences.
Volunteering hours
Meet the participants

The Art
The programme included the following points:
Tandem Talks - public dialog with participants
2 performances by Alicia Velazquez and Clarissa Hurst from the FiT pilot project.
4 performances by students from the F+F School of Art and Design. A cooperation for FiT.
An evening of poetry readings in Spanish by the group Ibersas.
Throughout the FiT process, we had the opportunity to reflect on prejudice, migration experiences and empathy.