Translating Migratory Experiences into Art
Found in Translation is more than just a language project: it is a celebration of human empathy and cultural diversity. Through creative exchange, we discover how narratives can connect us, inspire us, and deepen our understanding of one another.
Discover how words and stories bridge cultures and connect communities...

The process

Creative Writing and Artistic Expression
In our multilingual writing workshops and individual coaching sessions (German, English, and Spanish), participants transform their migration experiences into written texts. These stories serve as inspiration for unique works of art created by artists from various disciplines.

Collaboration and exchange of stories
The completed literary and artistic works are presented as part of an event that promotes empathy, openness, and intercultural understanding while making them accessible to a wider audience.

Art, Narrative and Dialogue: Together in Exchange
Writers and creatives meet with the audience throughout the exhibition to discuss the stories, exchange ideas, and share impressions. These encounters offer visitors the opportunity to immerse themselves in creative dialogue and become part of the FiT community. Translators are available if needed to support communication and foster dialogue.

Impacts & Results

Immerse yourself in Found in Translation’s creative journey through highlights from past issues.
Discover inspiring stories of migration turned into art. Each work is a testament to the power of storytelling, creativity and cultural connection.


Are you interested in becoming a sponsor?
We look forward to working with you! Find out how your brand can support our mission to promote intercultural understanding and creativity. Together we can make a difference.
Visibility at events and online.
connection with intercultural and creative initiatives.
Opportunities for social engagement.
Project Team