Found in Translation (FiT)
Translating Migratory Experiences into Art
... a proposal by ETKultur to promote intercultural encounters and the necessary empathy to do so...
Would you like to write down a migration experience from your life? Would you like to take part in a creative writing process and learn the basic tools for writing creative texts? Join our Found in Translation writing workshops (or coaching sessions).
At the end of the workshops you will have written a chapter of your life story, or an anecdote of it, which will be translated into two languages and will serve as inspiration for an artistic work.
Your story will be a legacy, something you contribute to others experiencing migration and learning new ways of solidarity, empathy and inclusion.
Register and take part in this new project of the association ETKultur.
You are willing to share your migratory experience.
You can write and express yourself in English, Spanish or German in addition to your native language.
You will be active and engaged in all three phases of the project (from April to October 2024) including attendance at at least 80% of the meetings.
You must be prepared to participate in all writing coaching sessions (live or online) in April 2024.
You commit to delivering the final text to your couch on time by middle may 2024.
You are willing to work with the participant artist to create a work of art related to your own story.
You are willing to participate in the activities that are on the program during the exhibition.
You are willing to publish your text via ETKultur's social media and participate in the creation of a podcast, which will also be public.
Are you willing to use your own name as the author of the text and to appear in ETKultur's publicity and at events related to this project.
The exhibition will take place from the 3th of October 2024 to the 5th of January 2025.
Graphical representation of the project process: phases and activities 2024
*For better quality, download the PDF